131 |
Advanced polymer materials-based electronic skins for tactile and non-contact sensing applications
InfoMat |
20230605 |
김남영 |
130 |
Sensitivity–Enhanced Detection of Acetone Gas Using MXene-Immobilized Planar Microwave Sensor
20230530 |
김남영 |
129 |
High-Performance Graphene-Modified Sensing Chip for SARS-CoV-2 Detection
JoVE |
20230505 |
김남영 |
128 |
Plasmonic hybrid core-shell (HyCoS) AgPt NP template hybridized with GQDs for SERS enhancement of 4-MBA and BT
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
20230412 |
이지훈 |
127 |
Bias Temperature Instability of a-IGZO TFTs Under Repeated Stress and Recovery
Journal of Electronic Materials |
20230404 |
박하민 |
126 |
Highly efficient refractive index sensor based on a dual-side polished SMS fiber enabled by femtosecond laser writing
20230331 |
이상신 |
125 |
Compact Dual-Band On-Body Near Field Antenna With Reflector for Measuring Deep Core Temperature
IEEE Access |
20230329 |
김남영 |
124 |
Cross-Coupled nFET Preamplifier for Low Voltage SRAM
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs |
20230328 |
정한울 |
123 |
Advances in flexible sensors for intelligent perception system enhanced by artificial intelligence
InfoMat |
20230323 |
김남영 |
122 |
Metasurface-incorporated optofluidic refractive index sensing for identification of liquid chemicals through vision intelligence
ACS Photonics |
20230315 |
이상신 |
121 |
Direct CVD growth of transferable 3D graphene for sensitive and flexible SERS sensor
Nanomaterials |
20230313 |
이상신 |
120 |
Modified Zinc Magnesium Oxide for Optimal Charge-Injection Balance in InP Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes
Advanced Optical Materials |
20230312 |
이현호 |
119 |
Ni-B-P micro spheres for superior water splitting OER electrocatalyst satisfying industrial operational requirement
Chemical Engineering Journal |
20230304 |
이지훈 |
118 |
Turn-around of threshold voltage shift in amorphous InGaZnO TFT under positive bias illumination stress
Solid-State Electronics |
20230301 |
박하민 |
117 |
Energy-Efficient Wide-Range Level Shifter With a Logic Error Detection Circuit
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems |
20230222 |
정한울 |