
교수진 정보
정 훈 교수
Optics and Optoelectronics Lab
연구분야 | micro/nano-scale LED display, 3D Display system |
연구실 | 참빛관 404호 |
교내번호 | 02-940-8434 |
hoonjeong@kw.ac.kr | |
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교수진 소개
- ‘24.03 ~ present: Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, KW Univ.
- ‘22.01~ '24.02: Aeva, INC. Engineer (California, USA)
Research Field▶ Micro/nano scale LED fabrication and next generation 3D imaging system
· Next-generation lithography
· Integral imaging with nano-scale LED arrays ·
▶ Design, epitaxial growth, fabrication of III-Nitride lasers, LEDs and photodiodes
· Metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOVCD) epitaxial growth of semiconductors
· Fabrication processing of lasers, LEDs and photodiodes, and other micro-optical elements
▶ Fourier optics and holography· Digital holography
· Computer generated holgraphy
▶ Applications of lasers/LEDs and photodiodes· LiDAR system
· Single photon detection and quantum computing· Optical neuromorphic computing